Sunday, June 29, 2008


***Warning to the reader: This is a mushy, gushy post, especially the poem at the end. What can I say?***

My Wesley has the most stunning blue eyes. He's the entertainer in our family. He is mischievous and opinionated but also all love and affection and sweetness. He's a little mama's boy. He doesn't love anyone more than he loves me--if only that could last! He loves and insists on falling asleep on my shoulder, with his fingers twisted up in my hair. It's hard to feel too badly about anything in life when such a sweet little person loves you so much.

I love this picture (thanks Donna for all of these!) because to me it captures best the Henry I know. He's a beautiful, big-eyed boy with lots of great blonde hair which I hate to cut. Henry is good right down to his core. He loves his friends and adores his daddy, who is his "best buddy." He is curious about everything in life and is both funny and light-hearted as well as thoughtful and sensitive. He's a true "barefoot boy," which is another poem I should post on here sometime. He is perfectly happy exploring the outdoors and nature and the way things work, and I love to let him enjoy a happy childhood and not try to force adulthood on him too fast.

Gosh, I love this picture so much too! How can you not love that squishy little baby face right in front of the camera? To me that face just says, "Mommy, I am an important person too." with a sibling. Not always what it's cracked up to be. They definitely love each other a lot though and are heart-broken when the other one is upset or not around. I'm glad they have each other, and James and I know how fortunate we are to have them. They are our greatest blessing.

The Girl I Used to Be
Author unknown

She came tonight as I sat alone,
The girl I used to be,
And she gazed at me with her earnest eyes,
And questioned reproachfully,
Have you forgotten the many plans,
And hopes I had for you?
The great career,
The splendid fame,
All the wonderful things to do?
Where is the mansion of stately height,
With all of its gardens rare?
The silken robes that I dreamed for you,
And the shining jewels in your hair?
And as she spoke,
I was very sad,
For I wanted her pleased with me,
This slender girl from the shadowy past,
The girl I used to be.

So gently rising,
I took her hand and guided her up the stairs,
Where peacefully sleeping,
My babies lay, innocent, sweet and fair.
And I told her that these are my only gems,
And precious they are to me.
That silken robe is my motherhood,
Of costly simplicity.
And my mansion of stately height is love,
And the only career I know,
Is serving each day in these sheltered walls,
For the dear ones who come and go.
And as I spoke to my shadowy guest,
She smiled through her tears at me,
And I saw the woman that I am now,
Pleased the girl that I used to be!


Jared and Katy said...

OH MY GOODNESS the cutest pictures, sweetest thoughts, and very good poem! I'm so glad your posting again!

Becca said...

SO BEAUTIFUL! this is why you need to post more, Em. You have such amazing things to share! Can't wait to see you guys in 3 days!

Aloha_Misty said...

Your boys are BEAUTIFUL!

charlotte and clarke said...

What an amazing family! Beautiful boys, we miss you guys!

Charis said...

So, I just tried your Key Lime recipe... um, my cooking skills are not to be desired. I'll have to get some cooking tips from you and try it again - it sounds delicious.

Caglefamily said...

They grow up too fast! I can't believe how big they are. They are beautiful!!

Jeremy said...

I like those pictures you have! It's been fun to have you guys over again.

Mary said...

What an amazing poem! Very touching, in my opinion. Your boys, I agree, are absolutely gorgeous!! I wish I could see them in person :(
2005 was a long time ago...I have yet to meet little Wesley!
Enjoy Utah for me!
(any chance of you swinging on over to Laramie for a day, while you're out west?)