Thursday, May 13, 2010

My first successful blogpost in a year and a half

No I have not forgotten how to blog--I expect nearly everyone except for 2 people have stopped checking my blog. There are a multitude of reasons for my being such a slacker, all of them quite good. But I'm back, courtesy of the iMac, and here are some recent Mother's Day pictures taken outside our home with Henry (5) and Wesley (3). I had wonderful Mother's Day by the way. Nothing scheduled, nothing stressful. After a lovely and inspiring day at church, it was just me and the fam at home, just the way I like it. James made delicious Swedish pancakes for dinner and I had a rare and glorious 3 HOUR NAP on the couch. Woohoo! My boys were very sweet to me today. It's good to feel loved. They are pretty patient with their mommy.


Becca said...

OMG so cute! I love it. You guys are one good looking family, seriously.

so...I hope you are really back in the blogging world. I've missed you. :o( haha.

love ya!

Aloha_Misty said...

Oh Emily! I love the pictures. I saw the ones of James and the boys on facebook and I think the mom and her boys turned out just as cute!

Liz Robertson said...

Wemmily! Those pictures are perfect! You look so great, you must be so proud of your boys.

Katy said...

I follow your blog! I love the pictures and i'm glad your blogging again!

Stephanie said...

I love keeping up with old friends in the blogging world. Emily, you look fabulous! Your long hair looks great and really suits you, but then you looked great with shorter hair, too :) Can you believe our kids are growing up so fast?

Unknown said...

Welcome back!!! I can't believe how big your boys are! Sounds like a perfect Mothers Day.

P.S. - I LOVE your long hair!!!

charlotte and clarke said...

Hey Emily, it is so fun to see pictures of your beautiful family. Hope things are going great.

Miles said...

Yeah Emily! It's good to see you back!

Caglefamily said...

haha, only two people check your blog! look at all the love. I can't believe how long your hair is. You are beautiful, and so are the boys, miss you!